Thursday, January 19, 2012

Your Thought

So here we are, we have pretty much gotten down to the nitty gritty. Since I am not only writing this blog for myself, but for you readers out there, however many of you there actually are, I'd love to hear from you. As a whole I try to get all the information to you as best I can in words, but Im sure some things are unclear or hard to understand. Your thoughts are important to me, any questions you want answered are important to me, you the reader are important to me. So let me hear from you, send a comment, send an email, say whatever you would like, this post is dedicate you, even if youre reading "just a thought" for the first time.

A sudden bold and unexpected question doth many times surprise a man and lay him open. -Francis Bacon

Great things are only possible with outrageous requests. -Thea Alexander

1 comment:

  1. OK, well I guess I'll be the first to comment here... I think that what you are saying here on this blog is most heroic! While you may not think so Sara, I know that you have touched many peoples hearts and lives with this. If you can help just one person by writing these post then you will have made a great accomplishment.

    Knowing you as I do, I realize just how difficult this is for you to put into words. I know it is even more difficult for you to speak this. So in saying that, I feel that this is also a healing process for you, and I truly hope that you find some kind of inner peace for yourself.

    Even though I know people have already told you this, you are such a strong individual. Make sure that in the tough times, you hold onto that strength, because as you know, this is a day to day healing process!! Your family and friends will always be there for you, but only you can truly know what is going on with you.

    Thank you so much for sharing this part of your life with us. I have been very blessed to have had the opportunity to truly know the you inside and I myself feel truly touched that I have you and your family in my life!!

    I hope that you continue to express yourself in all the ways that you can. Let it out and know that there will always be someone there to help you through all the good and bad times.

    You are very, very special and very, very LOVED!!!!!
