Tuesday, November 27, 2012

30 Day Challenge

I was wandering the inter-web and I found a thirty day challenge that fit this blog well. Its called the 30 day self  injury challenge. Yeah, that sounds a bit twisted, but really its all about my experience with self harm. I've spoken about a lot of this stuff already, but I hope to go into more detail for you guys.

Day 1
-How long have you been self harming? Discuss why you started.

Well, lets see, I have self harmed for four years and three months, roughly, off and on, mostly on. I have talked about why I started hurting myself, but I started because of depression and the expectations people had of me. That wasn't all, but most of it. I wouldn't really say there is one specific reason, though. I started harming myself by punching brick walls as hard as I could. My goal was to shatter my hand. That wasn't a big deal, I didn't really expect to do anything more than that, but one day it just manifested into cutting. The punching wasn't enough and I deserved worse. I wasn't enough for anyone, a disappointment. I felt like I needed more pain to feel, to escape.

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