Sunday, March 18, 2012

Coping Skills: Art

A picture is a poem without words - Horace

An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world - George Santayana

It is pretty well known that art is a good tool for coping, thats why many therapists, as well as the psych ward, use art therapy and art groups to help patients overcome mental illnesss. Art is an amazing tool, its an expression of words that you otherwise cant get out. It doesnt even matter if you are a good artist, as long as you can get it down on paper or in a photograph. When youre brain is so jumbled that you barely know up from down, thats when drawing a picture gets things out and helps clear up you head a bit.

I have been struggling with this post and delaying it for weeks for two reasons. First, I myself dislike my art and I knew that I would have to let you all see some of my pictures. Also, my sketchbooks are completely like my diary. Would you want someone reading your diary? Yeah, me either, but for the occassion I will let you guys in a little bit. I think art is the coping skill that has gotten me through the most, but I am really hard on myself, thats why I always dislike the outcome.

I have always drawn when I was at my complete lowest, that is when all my thoughts are crazy and I need to get them out or I would go mad. Sometimes drawing, or any other art project that I had to do in Studio Art last year, would actually prevent me from cutting myself, but that was a rare occassion. Nonetheless, I it has at least helped me sort out many thoughts and kept me going one more day.

I am crazy hard on myself, crazy, so I love critiques from others, I like to know what people see or think of my art. So here you can see several of my drawings, let me know what you think, even if it is negative. If you are interested in seeing more you may get lucky and I may show you more, just ask. 


  1. Hi Sara. Thanks for sharing some of your art. You are very brave to allow us to see something so private. Honestly, it made me cry because of the realness of what you express. I really appreciate you.

  2. I found some of the pieces quite revealing. Some I liked better than others. I think they give a more transparent picture of you than anything else.
