Monday, March 12, 2012


March first each year is Self Injury Awareness Day. For those of you who dont know, people write love on their arms to show support to those who self harm, a way to show that they arent alone in the fight and that there are people out there that love them and care about them.

I think the concept of this day is pretty amazing, so many people write love on their arms for SIAD and its awesome to just see how many people are there for those struggling, showing love so obviously.

This year, for me, it was the first time that it even mattered. Previous years I was hiding everything that was going on so it wasnt a huge deal, but this year was different. There were a lot of people in my life who wrote love for me. That week was really hard for me, the fight to not turn to a blade was rough, but SIAD was a little reminder that I am not alone, I have all you guys out there that love me and are rooting for me. Sometimes thats the hardest thing to remember. So any of you who wrote love, I just say thank you, from me and all the self harmers who feel like no one cares.

Thanks Dawn

Thanks Aunt Deb

Thanks Becky <3

Thanks Angeleah (my arm)

Thanks Shawna, Rachel, and Ashley

Thanks Angeleah

Thanks Angeleah

 Thanks Hall Girls

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sara...if I had known I would have written love on my arm too.
